Curriculum Vitae of János Palotás /biographical emphasis/
Honorary associate professor of the Budapest University of Economics, economist, expert of economic policy, international economy, finance and law, well-known businessman. Born in Budapest, on 20 September, 1955. University studies:1976-80 Marx Károly University of Economics (MKKE), Faculty of Industry
Professional, business carrier: ... Between 1980-81 programmer, economist and organizer with KERSZI; between 1982-88 financial director of and co-owner of Kandeláber Gmk (later Incorporated); in 1984 established his first family-owned company, engaged in consulting, investment and the development and distribution of economic software: KOMPASZ Marketing Kft. Subsequently launched several new enterprises. In 1991 purchased Pharmatrade Külkereskedelmi Vállalat (Pharmatrade Foreign Trade Company), in 1992 established the Hungarian subsidiary of the international company information system, headquartered in Switzerland: Kompass Hungária Kft. (Kompass Hungary Ltd.). In 1993 purchased the first Hungarian golf course under construction and after completing the investment, developed the golf center of Bük, to be one of most exclusive golf courses in Europe. During the last two decades –in addition to various Hungarian projects – worked on several major developments, as acknowledged expert of international finance and law. Within the framework of the international program of the parliament and the government of Ukraine, in 2002 developed an international patent on the safe financing of government developments of countries having substantial public debt, in order to develop the infrastructure of Ukraine, which brought major international recognition for him. From time to time appears as active investor on the Budapest Stock Exchange. From 2002 undertakes an active roles in establishing Brokernet Holding, the largest independent financial service provider group in Europe! In 2007 DOMINIUM VINI Borászati és Kereskedelmi Tanácsadó Kft. (DOMINIUM VINI Winery and Commercial Advisory Ltd.) -established under his leadership- introduced a world novelty in the area of quality wine production and marketing.
Social responsibility: .. Form 1983 participated in the work of the small business section of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce; between 1985-88 co-president of the organization. In 1988 founder of the National Association of Entrepreneurs, and co-president of the organization in the first year of its existence; between 1989-92 president of the organization; during the following two years resigned from the presidency and served as co-president; between 1994-99 served as the president of NAE again. During his presidency, in 1991 NAE –first in Europe- became so-called regular member of the European Organization of the IOE and the executive committee of the IOE as the first, truly independent, private property based employer organization of Hungary and Central Europe. He received special recognition in the circle of IOE leaders, he was asked to help the establishment and professional development of the employer organizations of the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe. At his personal invitation, the summit conference of the European presidents of IOE was held in Hungary in 1996. Between 1992-96 founder and president of Republic Party. Between 1990-94 independent member of the first democratic Hungarian Parliament, elected in district of his residence (Budapest, XVI. District). Between 1990-92 independent member of the faction of the Hungarian Democratic Forum and between 1992-94 independent representative.
1990 May-June member of the economic committee of the Parliament and June-December member of the committee of budget, tax and financial affairs. At the invitation of the governments of various states –such as the United States of America, Japan, Israel and the Netherlands etc.– studied the political and economic systems, interest representation activities and educational systems etc. of democratic countries during various time periods.
Academic acknowledgements: From 1987 teaches as regular lecturer or on ad hoc basis at numerous Hungarian and international universities and colleges. In1991 received the title of honorable associate professor at the BKKE (Budapest University of Economics). In 2001 received the title of “doctor of philosophy” at the „European Academy of Information” in Brussels.
He defended his PhD thesis written in the subject-matter of his international patent: “safe financing of government development of infrastructure of countries having substantial public debt” on 11 November, 2002 at the Madrid conference of universities of more than twenty countries. After the successful defense, as the doctor of philosophy, he was awarded the honorific title of Grand Ph.D in the field of economy, business and law, which was registered in Brussels.
Literature, media: ... He has been involved in the publication of more than two thousand works. His writings are mostly available on the Internet in English and Hungarian. Was interviewed on approx. 500 occasions on the Hungarian and international television, approx. two hundred of which are available on his Internet web site. Major publications: Vállalkozók Kézikönyve (1986-87-88), [Handbook of Entrepreneurs (1986-87-88)], Ne szegényedjünk, van más alternatíva (1989) [Let us not get poor, there are alternatives (1989)],. Magyarország társadalmi és gazdasági növekedési programja (1994) [The social and economic growth program of Hungary]. Hobbies: family, travel, sport (basketball), film making
Contact: ... Creative Investing and Financing Corporation Közvetlen Kereskedelmi Képviselete (Direct Trade Representation of Creative Investing and Financing Corporation)- Hungary-1095 Budapest, Boráros tér 7. III/6/14. Phone: +361 8982273 E-mail: - web: Literature: Varga Zsuzsa: Palotás (1992). Moreover, more than a thousand works and approx. two hundred video recordings are available on his Internet web site under the „Press” heading!